Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Once believed to be a product of fantasies and delusions, this Fish is indeed quite real.  Catch one in Celestia before one catches you!"

School: Storm
Aquarium Size Required: Tall Small Fry, Tall Keeper, Tall Whopper
Found Location(s): Celestia, Celestia Base Camp; Celestia, Stormriven; Celestia, The Floating Land; Celestia, District of The Stars; Celestia, Survey Camp
Rarity: Rare
Rank: 3

Initial Experience: 2000
Regular Experience: 20

Required as a reagent in the following crafting recipes:
There are no known recipes that the Flying Saucer Fish is used in.

Required in the following quests:
The Flying Saucer Fish is not required to be caught for any quests.