Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"If you manage to catch one of these rare fish, consider yourself very lucky.  Whether it's good luck or bad luck is up for debate."

*The Black Catfish is a seasonal fish for the annual Halloween celebration in October*

School: Death
Aquarium Size Required: Regular Small Fry, Regular Keeper, or Regular Whopper
Found Location(s): Wizard City, The Commons; Castle, All Bundle Castles
Rarity: Seasonal Fish
Rank: 1

Initial Experience: 1400
Regular Experience: 14

Required as a reagent in the following crafting recipes:
There are no known recipes that the Black Catfish is used in.

Required in the following quests:
The Black Catfish is not required to be caught for any quests.